
  • M. N. Marukhina Altai State Pedagogical University
  • T. P. Suhoterina Altai State Pedagogical University


Speech genre, natural written language, letter from a war front, author, psycholinguistics , psycholinguistic approach, accentuated personality, emotional and semantic dominant


The research work is carried out in the one of actual directions of modern linguistics - speech genre studies. This work is included in the range of works devoted to the consideration of natural written language and its genre varieties. The object of the research is one of the variants of epistolary activity - the letter from the war front as the main type of communication during the years of the Great Patriotic War. In the article this speech genre is considered in the psycholinguistic aspect. The psycholinguistic approach involves the study of the reflection of the author's personality in his texts of natural written language, the manifestation of the author's personal traits in the linguistic characteristics of the text, also the peculiarities of perception of this text. This article offers a description of the letter from the war front from the point of view of accentuating the personality of the author as a front-line soldier, which is associated with the communicative situation of the Great Patriotic War. The traits of an accentuated personality are manifested in the lexical and syntactic features of the text that allow us to classify genres in the aspect of psycholinguistics. In this research work, we rely on the typology proposed by V. P. Belyanin, according to which the letter from the war front combines features of different types of texts, including "dark" and "sad". The article also discusses the role of emotional accentuation of personality, which is typical for front-line authors, and its manifestation in the language features of the texts of front-line letters.

Author Biographies

M. N. Marukhina, Altai State Pedagogical University

студентка 2 курса филологического факультета

T. P. Suhoterina, Altai State Pedagogical University

кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры общего и русского языкознания


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