Francitan regiolect, Francitan, regiolectology, territorial marking, sociolinguistic competence, normative approach, descriptive approachAbstract
The purpose of this article is to identify the features of the Francitanian regiolect of the French language, as well as to determine the methodology for familiarizing high school students with its main features in order to develop their sociolinguistic competence. In the study of vocabulary, as well as grammatical, phonetic and stylistic phenomena of this regiolect, along with descriptive and etymological methods, both approaches used in the study of regional variants were used: normative and descriptive. As a result of the study, the features of the Francitanian regiolect at all levels of the language were identified, the ways and methods of working with the regiolect when teaching high school students French were determined, and the thesis that the fundamental basis of the regiolect is its territorial, and not social, marking was confirmed.References
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