students, fundamentals of homeland security and protection, tactical medicine, medical training, pedagogical educationAbstract
Knowledge and skills in the field of first aid in emergency situations have always been relevant for citizens of any age and profession. A sociological study showed that out of 500 random passers-by aged 18 to 65, 78% of respondents do not know first aid algorithms or are not ready to apply their existing skills. At the same time, the relevance of special knowledge in the field of first aid on the battlefield (tactical medicine) is now increasing. Practice has shown that the preliminary training of participants in armed conflicts had problems, some knowledge and skills from the field of tactical medicine had to be mastered on the battlefield. The purpose of the study was to identify problems in the field of training in tactical medicine in pedagogical bachelor's degree programs and to propose some methodological approaches to improve the effectiveness of medical training of students. The hypothesis of the study suggests the possibility of including issues of tactical medicine in the work program of the discipline "Fundamentals of medical knowledge", which will increase the effectiveness of the educational process. The work analyzed the work programs of the disciplines of pedagogical education, carried out diagnostics of the level of knowledge in the field of tactical medicine. The assessment of the level of knowledge of students of secondary courses of the pedagogical bachelor's degree showed a low level of awareness in the field of tactical medicine, while the relevance of this issue is dictated by the situation in the country, a large number of training videos and specialized courses have appeared. This indicates the lack of motivation of students for additional education and the need to include issues of tactical medicine in educational programs. At the same time, the motivational component of learning is important, the priority of practical training, continuity with the new school subject of the review and the competence of the teaching staff.References
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