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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Эта статья ранее не была опубликована, а также не представлена для рассмотрения и публикации в другом журнале (или дано объяснение этого в Комментариях для редактора).
  • Файл отправляемой статьи формата А4 представлен документом Microsoft Word.
  • Текст набран с одинарным межстрочным интервалом; используется кегль шрифта в 12 пунктов; для выделения используется курсив, а не подчеркивание (за исключением интернет-адресов); все иллюстрации, графики и таблицы расположены в соответствующих местах в тексте, а не в конце документа.
  • Объем статьи находится в пределах не менее 15 000 и не более 30 000 знаков (с пробелами).
  • Все рисунки имеют подписи. Ссылки в тексте на рисунок даются в круглых скобках – номер рисунка (рис. 1). Аналогично оформлены схемы, гистограммы, диаграммы.
  • Все таблицы имеют нумерацию вверху таблицы (Таблица 1) и название. Ссылки в тексте на таблицу даны в круглых скобках – номер таблицы (таблица 1).
  • Приведены расшифровки использованных в тексте сокращений (кроме о6щепринятых).
  • Библиографический список оформлен по ГОСТ Р 7.0.5-2008 и помещен в конце статьи в формате нумерованного списка (в порядке цитирования источников).

Author Guidelines

The order of submission of materials for publication:

The electronic version of the article is sent via the author’s personal account, available at:

Requirements for writing a scientific article in a journal 
Vestnik Altayskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta”

Articles in Russian that have not been previously published and submitted for publication in other issues are accepted for publication.

The article should be at least 15,000 and not more than 30,000 characters (with spaces), including a bibliography, information about the authors, tables and illustrations. The article should be prepared in a text editor Microsoft Word. Times New Roman type, A4 format, single line spacing, 12 type size, all fields 2 cm each, indentation 0.8 cm. File name - author's last name.

When using additional fonts when typing an article,  the author submits them to the editor in the their electronic folder.

Illustrations (photographs, drawings, tables, graphs, charts, etc.) are additionally provided as separate files in JPEG or TIFF formats with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, the name of which indicates the author's name and number of the figure.

References to the literature are given in numbers in square brackets indicating the serial number of the source and page. If a reference needs to specify several sources, they are given in parentheses through a semicolon, for example [1, p. 25; 3, p. 60].

References to illustrations (photographs, figures, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc.) in the text are given in parentheses, for example (Fig. 2, Table 1). In the text of the article, where the author plans to post the illustration, a caption is given to it, which should contain:

1. Type (“Fig.”, “Table”) and serial number in Arabic numerals (unsigned No.).
2. Name (thematic title).

3. Information about the place of storage of the original, archival or museum details, authorship.
4. For maps and drawings - an explication in which symbols and scale are explained.

The bibliographic list is given after the main text in the order of mentioning or citing in the text of the article. Only one name is allowed under one number. In the text of the article with a repeated reference to it, the number that was used the first time is indicated in square brackets. Literature in a foreign language is given in the order of mentioning in the general list. The list is drawn up according to GOST R 7.0.5-2008.

Design Example:

  1. Abramkina S. G. Features of marriage and family socialization of student youth // Vestnik Altayskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. 2019.No 3 (40). P. 7–11.
  2. The history of Russia in modern times: a textbook / A. B. Bezborodov and others. М.: Prospect 2014. 440 p.
  3. Gribanova N. S. Towel in the culture of the Russian rural population of Altai at the end of the XIX – at the beginning of the XXI century. Barnaul, 2013. 255 p.
  4. Berezhnova L.N., Nabok I.L. Ethnopedagogy. М., 2013. P. 24–28.
  5. Materials on the organization of the College of Printing at the Research Institute of Book Studies // TSGALI St. Petersburg. F. 306. Inv. 1. Unite of issue 381.

The structure of the article must contain

  1. The author’s surname, name and patronymic in Russian.
  2. Information about the author (place of work, position, academic degree, academic title, contact phone and e-mail).
  3. Title of the article in Russian. The title should consist of at least 3 and no more than 15 words, be informative, clearly reflect the content of the article. Do not use phrases such as “To the question of ...”, “Some questions ...”, “Study of the question ...”, “Materials for the study ...”, “Some aspects ...”, “To the problem …" etc.
  4.  Abstract in Russian. The abstract should contain a summary of the concept of the article, show what, in the opinion of the author, is the scientific significance of the work he performed. An abstract should not be a compilation of the phrases of the article and textually coincide with them. No more than 600 characters.
  5. Keywords in Russian. When choosing keywords, the main criterion is their potential value for expressing the content of the article or for its search. The keywords can be individual words, phrases, terms, chronological data, proper names. The optimal number of keywords is from 5 to 10.
  6. Initials and surname of the author, article title, abstract and keywords in English. The translation should be done in literary English without using automatic translation programs and as accurately as possible reflect the name, abstract and keywords presented in Russian.
  7. Article text.The article should be structured according to the following sections (section headings are not indicated in the text of the article):

    In the introduction, the relevance, novelty and feasibility of developing the topic should be substantiated, the problem under study should be formulated, a brief review of the scientific literature on the problem needed to understand the main part of the work should be presented, the abbreviations and terms used in the article should also be defined.

    In the main part of the article, it is necessary to disclose the principal propositions and results of scientific research, scientific facts obtained personally by the author, discovered patterns, relationships, tendencies; disclose the program of the experiment, methods of obtaining and analysis of the actual material; indicate the author’s personal contribution to the achievement and implementation of the main conclusions, etc. A scientific article should be written in a modern literary language, apprehensible to a wide range of readers.

    You should not overload the text with quotations; after the quote, you must indicate the source of the citation. The author is responsible for the reliability of the information, accuracy of citation and references to official documents and other sources.

    In the conclusive part, it is necessary to formulate conclusions, recommendations, theoretical and practical significance of the results obtained, indicate possible directions for further research.

  8. At the end of the article, a bibliography is required. Self-citation is desirable to limit 10% of the references from the total number of sources.
    The degree of originality of the article should not be lower than 75%.

Articles that do not meet the specified requirements are not accepted. Manuscripts are sent by the editorial board for independent examination and are accepted for publication upon receipt of a positive review. If there is a negative review, the final decision on the publication of the article is made by the editorial board.

Sent materials will not be returned. Correction is not sent to the authors.

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