Using of cultural heritage objects in the development of tourism in Kuzbass
tourism and recreation resources, cultural heritage tour, sightseeing tours, tourismAbstract
Hiking trails. Identifies features of cultural tourism in Kuzbass and prospects of development of cultural tourism in the Kemerovo region. Study author considers the historical and cultural potential natural and recreation resources of Kuzbass as a further perspective for the development of cultural tourism and its directions in the Kemerovo region with rich natural, historical and cultural potential.References
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Режим доступа: Газета «Кузбасс», статья «От хоровода -к «Золотому кольцу» 2014г. О. Штраус.
Режим доступа:
Режим доступа: Газета "Кузбасс" РИА НОВОСТИ.
Режим доступа: Департамент культуры и национальной политики Кемеровской области.