Article requirements



Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Altai State Pedagogical University” publishes the scholarly journal


The journal publishes papers presenting results of original research in the areas of Pedagogy, Psychology, and History
Frequency of publication: 4 issues per year (March, June, September, December)


Submitting the Article:

The electronic version of the article is submitted via the author’s personal account available at


Journal Submission Requirements

for Vestnik Altayskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta”

The journal accepts articles in Russian that have not been previously published or submitted for publication in other editions.

The articles are to be written by one author or a group of no more than three co-authors. The authors are recommended to publish an individually written paper once a year; a second paper by the same author can be published if written in the collaboration with a co-author.

The article should contain at least 15,000 characters and should not exceed 130,000 characters (with spaces), including the list of references, the information about the authors, tables and pictures with captions. The article should be typed on A4 size page, Microsoft Word, Times New Roman 12 type size, single line spacing, width alignment. All margins should be set at 2.0 cm, the first line indentation is 0.8 cm. The file name should be the author’s surname.

If rare fonts are used in the article the authors submit them to the editor in their electronic folder.

Pictures (photographs, drawings, tables, graphs, charts, etc.) are additionally submitted as separate JPEG or TIFF files with at least 300 dpi resolution; the file names should contain the author’s surname and the number of the picture. All pictures in the article should be black and white.

References are given as numbers enclosed in square brackets indicating the serial number of the source and page. If a reference needs to specify several sources, they are given in brackets and separated with a semicolon, for example: [1, p. 25; 3, p. 60].

References to pictures (photographs, figures, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc.) in the text are given in parentheses, for example (Fig. 2, Table 1). In the text of the article where the author plans to post the illustration, a caption is given to it which should contain:

  1. The type (“Fig.”, “Table”) and serial number in Arabic numerals (without №).
  2. The name (theme title).
  3. The information about the origin storage place, archival or museum details, authorship.
  4. For maps and drawings – a key that explains the symbols and scale.

The reference list follows the main text in the order of mentioning or citing in the article. Only one entry can be given under one number. In case of a second reference to the same source, the number that was initially used is indicated in the brackets. Foreign language sources are given in the general list in the order of mentioning. The reference list and in-text references should conform to GOST R 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliography. General requirements and rules”.

Samples of reference entries:

  1. AbramkinaS. G. Features of marriage and family socialization of student youth // Vestnik Altayskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. 2019.No 3 (40). P. 7–11.
  2. The history of Russia in modern times: a textbook / A. B. Bezborodov and others. М.: Prospect 2014. 440 p.
  3. Gribanova N. S. Towel in the culture of the Russian rural population of Altai at the end of the XIX – at the beginning of the XXI century. Barnaul, 2013. 255 p.
  4. Berezhnova L.N., Nabok I.L. Ethnopedagogy. М., 2013. P. 24–28.
  5. Materials on the organization of the College of Printing at the Research Institute of Book Studies // TSGALI St. Petersburg. F. 306. Inv. 1. Unite of issue 381.


The structure of the article is to conform to the  Design Template on the journal web site and should contain:

  1. The author’s surname, name and patronymic in Russian.
  2. Information about the author (institution, position, academic degree, academic title, phone and e-mail). Postgraduate students also provide information about their academic advisor (surname, first name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, institution).
  3. The title of the article in Russian. The title should consist of at least 3 and no more than 15 words, be informative, and clearly reflect the content of the article. One should not use phrases such as “To the question of ...”, “Some issues ...”, “Study of the issue ...”, “Materials for the study ...”, “Some aspects ...”, “The Problem of..”, “To the problem …” etc.
  4. Abstract in Russian. The abstract should not exceed 600 characters including spaces, should have a consistent logical structure, outline the research problem, methods, materials and results, the novelty / personal contribution of the author to the solution of the problem. The abstract should not be a compilation of the phrases from the article and textually coincide with them.
  5. Keywords in Russian. The keywords (from 5 to 10) are words or phrases essential for understanding the content of the article and clearly indicating its correlation with a certain subject area and scientific field presented in the journal. Key words or phrases can be terms, chronological data, proper names.
  6. Information about the author (initials and surname, institution, position, academic degree, academic title), the article title, abstract and keywords in English. The translation should be done in literary English without using automatic translation programmes and as accurately as possible correspond to the title, abstract and keywords given in Russian.
  7. The article text. The article should be structured according to the following sections (section headings are not given in the text of the article):

In the introduction, the author substantiates the relevance, novelty and objective of the study, formulates the problem under study, provides a brief review of the scientific sources on the issue which are essential for understanding the main part of the work, describes the research methods, the data collection and analysis methodology, defines the abbreviations and terms used in the article.  

In the main part of the article, it is necessary to cover the principal research propositions and results, scientific facts obtained personally by the author, discovered patterns, connections, tendencies; the author’s personal contribution to the achievement and implementation of the main conclusions, etc. The authors are advised to follow the standards of academic writing in a modern literary language clear to a wide range of readers.    

One should not overload the text with quotations; all quotes must be followed by references. The author is responsible for the reliability of the information, accuracy of citation and references to official documents and other sources.

In the conclusion part, it is necessary to formulate conclusions, recommendations, theoretical and practical significance of the results obtained, indicate possible directions for further research. 

  1. At the end of the article, a Reference List containing at least 5 entries is required. Self-citation is supposed to comprise no more than 10% of the references. Footnotes are not allowed (except for information about grants or other sources of the research and publication funding).
    The maximum similarity index is 25%.

The articles that do not meet the given requirements are rejected.

The editorial board sends the manuscripts for peer review and accepts them for publishing in case of a positive review. If the peer review is negative, the final decision on publishing the article is made by the editorial board.

The articles are published for free. The manuscripts are not returned to the authors. The edited articles are not sent to the authors.

Authors’ copies are not issued or distributed. The full texts of the articles are posted in the public domain at

The decision on accepting an article for publishing is made within three months from the date of manuscript registration in the editorial office. The article is published within 6 months after the decision on its acceptance is made.