Editorial Team

Editor-in-Chief - Igor Yuryevich Kolesov, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Chairman of the Altai Regional Branch of the Russian Public Organization "Russian Association of Cognitive Linguists". His research interests include problems of functional-cognitive analysis of language, cognitive semantics, general linguistics, linguistics of perception, mental models in language representations, anthropological linguistics, and conceptual analysis.

Editorial Council

L. S. Gurevich (Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow),
V. Duncanson (University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK),
N. N. Kazydub (Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafiev, Krasnoyarsk),
E. N. Mikhailova (Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod),
S. G. Proskurin (Novosibirsk National Research University, Novosibirsk),
G. N. Smagulova (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan),
A.I. Smirnova (Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow),
O. V. Trunova (Russian University of Transport, Moscow),
A. G. Fomin (Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo),
S. E. Rakhmankulova (Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University, Nizhny Novgorod)
Editorial team:
D. A. Zhgun (Daegu Catholic University, South Korea),
I. P. Isaeva (Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul),
Yu. V. Kobenko (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk),
A. V. Kremneva (Altai State Technical University named after I. I. Polzunov, Barnaul),
N. V. Meizenger (Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul),
T. D. Maksimova (Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul),
I. G. Sukhanova (deputy chief editor for general issues, Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul),
T. M. Tagoeva (Bokhtar State University named after Nosir Khusrav, Bokhtar, Republic of Tajikistan)
N. P. Shirokova (Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul),
N. N. Shpilnaya (Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul).