ICT as means of development of the creative talents of students


  • Нина Васильевна Бажмина БОУ «Гимназия № 147», г. Омск
  • Тамара Ивановна Крысова БОУ «Гимназия № 147», г. Омск
  • Татьяна Германовна Остроухова БОУ «Гимназия № 147», г. Омск


educational technology, creativity, learning, information communication technology


To develop the ability to quickly navigate the changing world requires special educational technology, which would allow to develop a unique creative potential of each student. Technology development of social projects ensures the development of creative talent, and interpersonal communication students. With the introduction in the educational process of information communication technologies there is a new opportunity for students to show their creativity.


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