The procedure for reviewing an article

All scientific articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal “Vestnik Altayskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta” (hereinafter – the Vestnik) are subject to review for the purpose of their expert evaluation. All reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and over the past 3 years have published their scientific works on the subject of a peer-reviewed article. Reviews are kept in the editorial office for 5 years.

The manuscript submitted by the author is sent for review to members of the editorial board of the corresponding direction of the Vestnik according to the profile of the research or on the topics of the questions discussed in the manuscript. Reviewers are notified that the manuscripts sent to them are the property of the authors and relate to information not subject to disclosure.

The author is responsible for the authenticity and accuracy of the facts, quotes, proper names, correctness and completeness of the presentation of bibliographic data.

The terms for transmission the article for reviewing are determined in each individual case, taking into account the creation of conditions for the most prompt publication of the article.

Reviewing is confidential. The reviewer must determine to what extent:

  • the content of the article corresponds to the declared branch of science and specialty;
  • the urgency of the problem is substantiated;
  • the research has theoretical and practical significance;
  • the current state of knowledge of the problem is analyzed;
  • the article presents scientific novelty;
  • the author’s personal contribution to the development of the topic under study is presented;
  • the author knows the methods of scientific analysis and generalization;
  • whether the results and conclusions are substantiated and whether they correspond to the content of the publication;
  • the title of the article reflects its content;
  • requirements for the design of the article’s material were taken into account: the volume of the article should correspond to the given requirements, the article must have the title, abstracts and keywords in Russian and English, a bibliographic list and links to it in the text, contact information about the author, etc.

Finally, the reviewer should evaluate whether the article:

  • is recommended for publication,
  • recommended, subject to corrections of the drawbacks noted by the reviewer,
  • not recommended for publication in a journal.

In case of a positive review, the manuscript is considered at a meeting of the editorial board and is included in the plan of publication of the journal. If the reviewer indicates the need for revision of the material, the manuscript is returned to the author. If the reviewer does not recommend the article for publication, the editorial board rejects the article.

Articles of graduate students are accepted and submitted for review only if there is a positive review of the dissertation advisor.

The editorial board informs the author about the decision. The editorial board sends the authors of the submitted materials copies of the reviews or a reasoned refusal, and also undertakes to send copies of the reviews to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation upon receipt of the corresponding request by the editorial office.

The materials sent are not returned to the authors, the fee is not paid.