
Manuscript requirements

The procedure for reviewing manuscripts submitted to the editors

All manuscripts of articles, scientific reports received by the editors of the scientific almanac "Language: multidisciplinarity of scientific knowledge" are subject to review. The manuscript submitted to the editorial office is registered by the person responsible for the corresponding section in the register of work with manuscripts.

After registration, within a week, the manuscript is sent for review to a specialist in the profile. All manuscripts are checked according to the Anti-Plagiarism system.

The reviewers are members of the editorial board, as well as doctors of philological sciences and leading experts - candidates of philological sciences, working at the university - the founder of the journal. All reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have publications on the subject of peer-reviewed articles.

The review period is 15 days.

Reviewing is carried out according to an approximate scheme:

  1. Correspondence of the title of the article with its content
  2. Compliance of the article design with formal requirements (abstract, abstract, keywords, their number, font, line spacing, etc.)
  3. Relevance
  4. Scientific novelty
  5. Correspondence of the abstract to the content of the article
  6. Correspondence of the list of references to the subject of the work
  7. Logic and interconnection of the presentation of the material
  8. Formulation of conclusions and conclusions
  9. The quality of the presentation of the material (language, style)

Reviewer's conclusion: publish / send for revision / refuse to publish (with justification). The reviewer's conclusion is considered by the editor-in-chief. The manuscript recommended for publication is sent for editing.