About the Journal

The scholarly research almanac “Language: multidisciplinary scholarly knowledge” welcomes submissions in various core linguistic and linguo-philosophical issues, not only theoretical studies but also applied issues in language teaching and translation studies. Theoretical platform of the Almanac is advanced by its contributors – both renowned and beginning authors who view the language as an object of scientific understanding and interpretation in its most diverse guises, creating the multidimensionality of linguistic ontology.

Current Issue

No. 7 (2024): Language: multidisciplinary scholarly knowledge
					View No. 7 (2024): Language: multidisciplinary scholarly knowledge
The seventh issue of the almanac dedicated to the memory of professor I. Yu. Kolesov, a scientist who created a scientific school and brought up worthy successors, includes articles written by colleagues, followers, students of Igor Yurievich. The issue includes articles devoted to a wide range of significant applied issues of modern linguistics. It includes both a general overview of the most relevant linguistic problems and the prospects for their further development, as well as the results of specific studies carried out in this direction. The Almanac is addressed to the widest range of researchers in the field of fundamental and applied linguistics and linguodidactics.
Published: 2024-05-20


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The scholarly research almanac “Language: multidisciplinary scholarly knowledge” welcomes submissions in various core linguistic and linguo-philosophical issues, not only theoretical studies but also applied issues in language teaching and translation studies. Theoretical platform of the Almanac is advanced by its contributors – both renowned and beginning authors who view the language as an object of scientific understanding and interpretation in its most diverse guises, creating the multidimensionality of linguistic ontology.

The almanac focuses on diverse treatment of language, language teaching and practical translation issues, whether data-driven or theoretical, that contribute to our understanding of diverse linguistic constructs and communicative phenomena. The Almanac is interested in both theoretical and empirical research decisions and approaches, not restricted by disciplinary boundaries, which help linguists to develop linguistic theory and to better understand all mechanisms of language as a vehicle for communication and the subject of education.

The Almanac offers a forum for research on language diversity or specificity, as well as common features across languages that govern communication. No scientific trend or theory is favored: scientific quality, scholarly rigor and novel contributions to scholarship are the only criteria applied in the selection of papers accepted for publication. The Almanac also welcomes submissions offering the results of research in modern translation practices.

The scientific almanac is addressed to assorted scholars – linguists, philologists, translators, philosophers, language teachers immersed in empirical and theoretical analysis of language, language use and teaching.

We welcome new submissions!